Monday, February 16, 2015

Perbedaan Noni dan Node Dalam Bahasa Jepang

ので (node) indicates the cause or reason of certain event (dikarenakan)while のに (noni) shows the contrary result (bertolak belakang). Let's use some examples to show how the result changed using either ので (node) or のに (noni).
contoh kalimat :
1. 今日は暑いので、T-シャツを着ています。
kyou wa atsui node, T-shatsu wo kiteimasu
It is hot today, therefore I am wearing a T-Shirt.
krn hari ini panas saya memakai t-shirt

2. 今日は暑いのに、セーターを着ています。
kyou wa atsui noni, se-ta- wo kiteimasu
Even though it is hot today, I am wearing a sweater
Padahal hari ini panas tapi saya memakai baju hangat
3. 昨日は休みだったので、一日中寝ました。
kinou wa yasumi datta node, ichinichijuu nemashita
Yesterday was my rest day, therefore I slept the whole day
kemarin libur krn itu saya tidur seharian
4. 昨日は休みだったのに、仕事をしました。
kinou wa yasumi datta noni, shigoto wo shimashita
Even though yesterday was my rest day, I went to work
Padahal kmrn libur tapi saya bekerja
raishuu tesuto ga aru node, otouto wa isshoukenmei benkyou shite imasu
There is a test on next week, therefore my younger brother is studying very hard
Minggu depan ada ujian krn itu adik saya belajar dgn giat
raishuu tesuto ga aru noni, otouto wa asonde imasu
Even though there is a test on next week, my younger brother is playing
Padahal minggu dpn ada ujian adik saya bermain saja
7. ダイエットをしたので、痩せました。
daietto wo shita node, yasemashita
I lost weight since I went through a diet.
Berat badan saya turun krn diet
8. ダイエットをしたのに、太りました。
daietto wo shita noni, futorimashita
Even though I went through a diet, I put on weight.
Padahal diet tapi berat badan saya tetap
9. 日本語を十年勉強したので、日本語が上手です。
nihongo wo juunen benkyoushita node, nihongo ga jouzu desu
I have studied Japanese for ten years, therefore I am good at Japanese
saya sdh belajar bhs jepang selama 10thn krn itu saya pintar bhs jepang
nihongo wo juunen benkyoushita noni, nihongo ga heta desu
Even though I have studied Japanese for ten years, I am still bad at Japanese.
Padahal saya sdh belajar bhs jepang 10th tapi saya msh bodoh bhs jepang (watashi mo = saya juga...heheheh)
In example 1, normally when it's hot, you'll wear something thin like a T-shirt. But for のに's case, you wear something thick like a sweater, showing unexpected contrary result.
In example 2, you rest because it's your rest day. But for のに's case, you went to work instead, showing your unsatisfied feeling.
The rest of the examples also show the unexpected or dissatisfied contrary results in のに's cases.

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